International Feline Behaviourists (IFB) was formed in 2019 and is the feline division of ICB: International Canine Behaviourists ltd.

In 2018 it became apparent that although there were many organisations for canine behaviourists to join, there were none for feline behaviourists.  International Canine Behaviorists (ICB) founder Brigitte Barton realised the need for a feline behaviourist organisation and after a meeting with feline behaviourist and feline expert Roberta Roscini, International Feline Behaviourists (IFB) was formed.
International Feline Behaviourists (IFB) provides continuing education for professional feline behaviourists and supports members in their career choice, while at the same time offering advice to cat owners to help overcome unwanted behaviours.



ICAN (the International Companion Animal Network) was founded by a group of prominent organisations and education providers who use and recommend purely force-free methods. We formed in order to meet the profound need for solidarity, mutual support, communication and cooperation between professionals working in the animal behaviour and training realm.

Aims and objectives:

To bring together reputable organisations who use, teach and recommend only force free methods in working with animals.

To give each organisation member a stronger voice and mutual support.

To provide a positive antidote to the competitive aspect that has been prevalent within the profession.

To set and maintain high standards within what is currently an unregulated industry.

To demonstrate a new dynamic of unity and democracy in our profession, and to actively collaborate between organisations to promote our common ethos and goals.


"Il rapporto proprietario-cane prima di tutto...per noi di speeddog è fondamentale aiutare le persone a rafforzare la relazione con il proprio animale in maniera corretta ed equilibrata.“

“The International Society for Animal Professionals was founded to improve animal welfare around the world.

The purpose of the Society is to provide a focus point to all interested parties around the world and to promote international cooperation and common standards of good practice when working with animals.

ISAP aims to encourage dialogue and better understanding of difficulties and different methodologies, to recognise experience and academic achievement and by so doing, work towards an improved existence for all animals worldwide.

ISAP has ambassadors around the world who can be contacted and who will give support to the Society’s members. They will also ensure that our bi-annual Newsletter will include articles from many countries.”

“L’Etologia Relazionale lavora per reinserire la percezione emotiva ed empatica nell’equazione dello studio dell’etologia e della relazione uomo-animale.

Definisce la centralità dei fattori energetici ed emotivi che vengono innescati e che sono rintracciabili attraverso il profiling di specifiche circostanze relazionali.
Un approccio che propone e che nasce da una visione biocentrica (che pone la vita stessa al centro delle relazioni e non l’uomo) e richiede al partner umano un intenso sforzo nella direzione della conoscenza di se stessi (autenticità) e nella ricerca della propria sensibilità.

L’Etologia Relazionale® e’ prima di tutto un approccio mentale originale che individua e studia alcune componenti importanti, spesso ignorate, che emergono nei comportamenti e nelle dinamiche relazionali, tra specie diverse.

Nel momento in cui gli esseri viventi entrano in rapporto tra loro, si attiva un processo che influenza le componenti mentali, emozionali ed empatiche, modificando, di fatto, i comportamenti di tutti i soggetti coinvolti.  […] ”

“The Wildcat Sanctuary (TWS) is a 501c3 non-profit, no-kill rescue facility located in Sandstone, MN.  TWS provides a natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspires change to end the captive wildlife crisis.  TWS is funded solely on private donations.  The Sanctuary is a rescue organization and not open to the public.  Combining natural and spacious habitats with a life free of exhibition, TWS allows all residents to live wild at heart.  TWS is committed to public education about the captive wildlife crisis in order to create a world where animal sanctuaries are no longer needed.  As a true sanctuary, we do not buy, breed, sell or exhibit animals.”

“Il Circo quello vero, quello con la C maiuscola, quello fatto di talento e follia in cui artisti umani creano la magia grazie ai loro corpi ed alla loro fantasia.

Un circo senza animali, perché là dove c’è reclusione e sfruttamento non può esserci arte e nemmeno divertimento!

Un collettivo di più di 20 artisti,
possiede 1 tendone da Circo attrezzato di audio e luci, diversi mezzi per lo spettacolo, il trasporto e l’abitazione.”

“Cool to be Kind is a simple concept that was started by Anthony Head and Sarah Fisher. They have enlisted the assistance of their good friends, and fellow animal ambassadors, Carolyn Menteith and Marie Miller to help promote, encourage and acknowledge acts of kindness to animals.

Cool to be Kind was launched on January 1st 2014 for the sole purpose of promoting the message that it is Cool to be Kind to animals. We leave it up to you to define what being kind means and recognise that no act of kindness is ever too small.”
