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About us
Comportamento e comunicazione felina
Consigli e considerazioni
Le cronache della Colonia
Natale, Capodanno e altre festivitĂ : consigli
Pet Therapy
Salute e cura
Vivere con un gatto
What we do
Cat-sitter service
Evaluation and intervention in problematic situations
On-line courses
Pre and post adoption consultancy
Private lessons
Articoli dal blog
Cats and abandonment
A kitten as a Christmas present? Better not.
The importance of listening
Dressing your cat: here are the reasons why you should avoid it
The importance of being a cat
Train the cat or do not train the cat?
Are you really ready to adopt an animal?
Let’s go on holiday!... and what about the cat?
Why adopt two kittens rather than one
A hell called New Year's Eve: some tips to help your cat get through it
Why does my cat bite me while I caress it?
Until death do us part: living with the cat during its last days of life
The cat that bites
Moving with your cat
An FIV+ cat is not a B-series cat
Who is the cat's behaviour counselor?
Cats and Toxoplasmosis
The cat to the groomer: let's clear things up
Christmas for cats
Pet Therapy: what are we talking about?
AttivitĂ & servizi
Scopri le nostre attivitĂ ed i nostri servizi
Courses, seminars and events
Professional training courses, seminars, short courses for cat owners and enthusiasts, information days
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Evaluation and intervention in problematic situations
Do you have a problem with your cat? Contact one of our certified Consultants!
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On-line courses
Corsi on-line Centro Miciolandia
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Cat-sitter service
We care for your pet with passion and professionalism, to guarantee the cat the best care in the absence of its humans.
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Pre and post adoption consultancy
For a conscious and happy adoption. Starting with the right foot is the secret to preventing misunderstandings and problems of coexistence.
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Private lessons
Book your personalized lesson on the topics that are most interesting for you regarding the feline world.
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Corsi, seminari ed eventi
Conosci il tuo gatto?
Corso per Cat Sitter
Consulente Felino - Operatore in Comunicazione e Comportamento Felino CNGU®
Corso Base Consulente felino CNGU®
Corso Avanzato Consulente felino CNGU®
Consulenti & Cat sitter
Tiziana Galli
Laura Salvadori
Elena Savani
Ilaria Alexandris
Rosetta Cabboi
Simona Cherubini
Rossella Fruzzetti
Federica Moretti
Andrea Vantadori
Giorgia Toscani
Beatrice Bartoccioni
Valentina Occhipinti
Maria Chieffo
Silvia Salvatori
Silvia Rendina
Eleonora Di Cristofano
Simona Bruschi
Claudia Ferrari
Monira Zanoni
Sara Stablum
Isabella Checconi
Claudia Ferrari
Filippo Coen
Monica Magnanini
Margherita Ronci
Sara Montinaro
Alessandro Falzone
Daniela Francabandera
Maria Pia Giommetti
Eleonora Cagnaneri
Francesca Megale
Andrèe Tumiati
Veronica Collerone
Erika Taraborelli
Morena Giani
Giorgia Caterini
Cristina Marcolongo
Alice Franchini
Silvia Giusiano
Valentina Caravita
Sara Caterina Russiano
Elisabetta Rolli
Mariabruna De Bellis
Arianna Cosentino
Marta Cianchetta
Marco Civati
Nicoletta Santini
Eleonora Stucchi
Simona Mortarino
Eleonora Naccari
Martina Peretti
Francesca Gurrisi
Sandra Gallerini
Anna Rita Paolini
Marco Mauro
Flavia Tondi
Laura Quattrini
Daniela Colussi
Alessandra Gallizzi
Silvia Graziani
Andreea Acatincai
Ester Nascig
Benedetta Pellegrini
Giuliana Pini
Catia Odorisio
Elena Cavagna
Simona Lenzi
Debora Beltramin
Monica A Bim
Silvia Iambrenghi
Naomi Lerri
Nicole Cardone
Valentina Vagnetti
Desiree Bortolotti
Stefania Larizza
Noemi Caiffa
Sabrina Moretti
Maria Stella Inzone
Cristina Beligni
Vicky Rossi
Gian Paolo Guerrini
Tiziana Crivellari
Chiara Antinoro
Santo Ielo
Alessandra Esposito
Marta Picchio
Sabrina Fusari
Linda Perniola
Manuela Cappellini
Emanuela Lopa
Federica Corsetti